Products / Homecoming Box
SUPER MAX'S HERO SURPRISE BY HEATHER E. ROBYN: Max thinks her dad is currently on deployment, but she's in for treat when her dad has an early homecoming and surprises her at school. BLUE RASPBERRY LICORCE BY HAPPY BITES: Satisfy your sweet tooth with some juicy goodness. blue raspberry licorice candy is packed full of fruity flavor and tastes delicious! WELCOME HOME BANNER BY SUNSHINELANEEVENTS ON ETSY: This item serves as your countdown for the month, each white letter can be colored and customized (do one each day in your final stretch, to count your hero home). Not at the end yet, you can start preparing now so you are ready with this sign at homecoming. FAMILY GAME NIGHT ACTIVITIES BY THE IDEA BOX KIDS: Your children will have a blast choosing a coin and leading the family; while at the same time learning the importance of good sportsmanship & teamwork. By playing simple games, your child will also be learning to listen, pay attention, concentrate & think! (PARENT TOOL) CLOSER COMMUNICATION: MILITARY DEPLOYMENT REINTEGRATION EDITION BY HOPE HOMEFRONT: This is a date night conversation starter/questionnaire all about communicating about deployment once your hero is home and bonding in your military relationship! "Closer Communication" is intended to get you and your hero talking after deployment about topics that will encourage a deeper connection in your relationship. ONLINE TRAINING: REINTEGRATION/HOMECOMING This month, is all about navigating the homecoming and reintegration process as a family and as a couple. This process can look so different for everyone, so I am going to walk you through how it looked for my family and what I wished we knew before. Plus we will talk about all the different options you have for homecoming and how to make the best decision for your family, and then communicate these wishes with others. Also, there is a post to list out questions that you have that my husband and I can answer about this process from both sides .